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Vietnam prepares for UN peacekeeping operations

Vietnam is completing the preparatory process for participation in United Nations peacekeeping operations in accordance with its capacity, said a Vietnamese diplomat on March 10.

Ambassador Hoang Chi Trung, Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN before the Special Committee on Peacekeeping Operations, lauded the indispensable role of the UN in restoring and maintaining peace and stability over several decades.

He said the peacekeeping operations should continue to rest upon the strict observance of the purposes and principles of the UN Charter, particularly those concerning nations’ sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence as well as non-interference in their internal affairs.

Trung also spoke of the fundamental principles for establishing and conducting peacekeeping operations such as the consent of the concerned parties, impartiality and not using force except for self-defense.

The Vietnamese representative affirmed Vietnam’s strong support of efforts aimed at enhancing the UN’s ability to manage peacekeeping operations effectively and efficiently with a view of achieving: continued improvements in the deployment of missions, safety and security of personnel, accountability and effective management of resources, qualified peacekeeping capacity, and proper conduct and discipline.

Currently, the UN is conducting 17 peacekeeping operations with a total force of over 90,880 individuals, including 76,750 blue berets, 11,250 civilian policemen and nearly 2,880 military observers.

Its budget for peacekeeping operations in the 2005-2006 period was close to US$5 billion.