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New spin to music

Singers are doubling up as composers, a la Mariah Carey and Madonna, and vice versa. The results have been mixed…

Ho Quynh Huong is one of a few singers who succeed with their own composition

The Vietnamese entertainment industry is witnessing a new trend – singers are composing their own music and composers are trying their hand at singing.

Though the jury is still out on whether it’s a good thing, a singer who can also write his or her own lyrics and set them to tune does have an advantage.

For, nobody knows their style better than themselves while there is good money to be saved by not hiring lyricists and composers.

Mai Khoi is a singer who has composed some lovely songs like Dem (Night) and Ru tinh (Singing for love).

A budding star, she can also play the guitar.

Top model-turned-singer Ho Ngoc Ha was singing her ex-boyfriend and composer Duc Tri’s songs before trying her hand at writing herself.

Her third album, a recently released collection ofmainly R&B songs including the hit single Muon noi voi anh (Want to tell you), was written and composed by herself.

However, Khoi and Ha remain in a minority of singers who are also decent composers.

After all, it is not a skill that can be learnt at school.

Female singer Ho Quynh Huong says, “I have been composing since I was a student. I want to express my feelings and emotions in my songs (which she also writes). But I would not call myself a composer because my songs are not as good as those of professionals. It’s not easy for a singer to become a real composer.”

Some singers, in a misplaced desire to go one up on their peers, have ended up writing awful lyrics and discordant music.

In desperation, they even plagiarize others’ works.

Male singer and teen idol Quang Vinh has been panned for knocking off a song in his recently-released album Ve trai tim (Drawing heart).

Another singer, Lam Chan Huy, faces a dispute with composer Nguyen Hau leaning over the song Khong the yeu em duoc nua (Cannot love you anymore).

And composers sing their songs …

Many composers believe they can express the spirit of their music better than singers.

Composer Luong Bang Quang, who writes and sings his own songs, says: “Singers usually imitate the tone and voice of other, popular stars. Since their knowledge of music is limited, they can’t become composers. But composers can become singers if they have a good voice and practice seriously.”

Whether it is a singer who has turned to composing or vice versa, the bottom line remains the same – to succeed requires talent and great love for music.