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Make Money Online with The Peel Away Ad

I’m sure by now many readers have noticed the new Peel Away Ad running at the upper right hand corner of the blog. This has to be one of the coolest ad units yet. It makes the blog look like a paper page and the ad is revealed when you “peel away” the page. The creator of the Peel Away Ad says the ad is non intrusive and super effective because it makes people want to peel the ad to see what’s hiding behind it. I can attest to the effectiveness of the ad. Since putting it up an hour ago, I’ve already received five new sign ups for TTZ Media (currently, the ad’s only advertiser).

How Do I Add Peel Away Ads To My Blog?

The Peel Away Ads script was created by Richard Osterude and Harris Fellman. The script normally sells for $127 but if you buy it right now, you can have it for only $37.00 (ya I know, classic sales page).

The script comes in several flavors and works on any site (not just Wordpress blogs). I’m using the Rotating Peels for the top right corner. There’s also a peel that will let you put ads on any corner and one that will put ads on every corner. There are also some templates with background images so you can create some peel ads. Lastly, there is a bonus “Spinning Popup” generator but I didn’t brother to download it.

Installation of the script is pretty simple. You need to edit to URL to reflect your site, change the banner image and destination URL, then upload to your server and it should work. There are step-by-step video tutorials for those who need extra help.

At only $37, this script is a no brainer. I’ve made more than my money back from it in less than an hour. I expect to see this type of advertising become more common in the future. Because it’s new and fresh, click rates are very high and as result you can charge more for the ad spot. Of course, you can also use the script to promote your own stuff.

Want To Buy a Peel Away Ad?

To launch the new Peel Away Ad, I’ve decided to sell them at a 50% discount. If you order an ad this month, the price is $500 per month and will stay at $500 per month for as long as you renew. Order placed after February will cost $1,000 per month. No more than five ad rotations will run at any one time.

Peel Away Ads required two creatives: one 100×100 pixel image for the teaser and a 500×500 pixel image for the main banner. Imagines can be jpg or gif. If you need help designing a Peel Away Ad, I recommend Banners Mall. . They can create a Peel Away Ad for only $75.00 and have it ready in four days.
Order Your Peel Away Ad

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